
Green Hydrogen Energy

Green hydrogen energy is an important strategic direction for the transformation of the Company's business structure. The Company will focus on the core components of hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen production from renewable energy in the middle and upper reaches of the hydrogen energy industry chain, building core competitiveness and realizing large-scale business growth.

Clean Alternative Fuel

Through long term cooperation with international partnersand institutions, Weifu focuses on: Accumulating and deepening understanding of customensystem requirements; Specializing in FC core component technology, massproduction, and quality assurance; Expanding business globally. Weifu supports customers' FC system solutions to achievemore efficient, reliable and cost-effective products.

Renewable Energy Hydrogen Generation

PEM electrolysis is one of the two major businesses of Weifu Green Hydrogen Energy. Based on the core component technologies such as membrane electrodes and bipolar plates currently mastered by Weifu, the company cooperates with the PEM electrolysis cell technology in the middle of the industrial chain, focusing on the layout of PEM electrolysis water hydrogen production system equipment. With reliable modular products and customizable series products, the company focuses on customers in the manufacturing hydrogen industry, hydrogen energy transportation, and hydrogen energy storage fields, providing overall solutions for PEM electrolysis water hydrogen production system equipment.

宝坻区| 嘉义市| 贺州市| 蕉岭县| 丽水市| 古浪县| 泽州县| 宿松县| 荆州市| 宝应县| 故城县| 会理县| 陆丰市| 丹阳市| 郁南县| 湛江市| 札达县| 杭锦后旗| 宽甸| 五河县| 鸡东县| 陕西省| 杭锦旗| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 平潭县| 阜宁县| 方城县| 康乐县| 固阳县| 县级市| 承德县| 辛集市| 绵阳市| 聊城市| 海南省| 黑龙江省| 务川| 海阳市| 克山县| 垦利县| 阳谷县|