

Legal and Compliance

We abide by business ethics and contracts, adhere to fair competition and friendly cooperation. The concept of honesty and trustworthiness has been integrated into the whole process of enterprise operation, and has become the value standard that all employees must follow. We integrate the requirement of honesty and trustworthiness into the company's internal control system, timely release relevant laws, regulations and the company's anti-fraud policies to our employees; We establish the reporting system, standardize the anti-fraud investigation and procedures, and handle fraud behaviors in time; We continuously optimize the internal control supervision and restraint system, and timely prevent the risk of the failure of internal control measures jeopardizing the realization of internal control objectives due to fraud.

If any violation of rules and regulations is found such as bidding manipulation and asking for kickbacks, please report to our SUP, providing the evidence of the time, the place, the related personnels and the whole process, so that we can deal with it in time. We have put in place a system for the protection of whistleblowers. We are committed to timely investigating and handling of all information received from whistleblowers, to keeping the source of reports strictly confidential, and to taking special measures to protect whistleblowers from potential damage to their interests.

Contact Us

Address|No.5, Huashan Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, P.R. China

Fax|+86 051080505005


乌鲁木齐县| 恩施市| 股票| 青神县| 台东市| 临漳县| 沾化县| 平谷区| 鄂托克前旗| 久治县| 五台县| 延吉市| 册亨县| 称多县| 新田县| 福建省| 中山市| 济宁市| 湖州市| 梁山县| 舒兰市| 民和| 大理市| 康马县| 龙山县| 灌南县| 锦屏县| 松原市| 绥芬河市| 长海县| 南丹县| 时尚| 平阳县| 荥经县| 荥经县| 沐川县| 宁强县| 寿阳县| 桂东县| 博白县| 连山|